English summary

About foundation

In a sense, the Lithuanian Church Chronicle Foundation continues the mission of the Soviet-era underground publication The Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania, promoting the telling of the truth about the human person and society in the light of the faith by making use of the means of communication.

Cardinal Sigitas Tamkevičius SJ founded this charity and support foundation in 1998. Today it is controlled by the Archdioceses of Kaunas and Vilnius and Cardinal Tamkevičius.
The foundation works with the Christian media and individual content producers to promote social and spiritual change and encourage critical thinking in society so that as many people as possible might seek true freedom, fullness of life and growth in faith.

The Church Chronicle Foundation:

  • preserve the historical legacy of the underground publication „Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania”;
  • strengthen the Catholic media community by promoting collaboration, dialogue, and the cultivation of shared values;
  • encourages collaboration between Lithuania’s different Catholic media organizations as a way for them to operate more effectively and have greater impact;
  • works to obtain the financial and human resources needed to achieve the foundation’s objectives.


Bishop Algirdas Jurevičius

Chairman of the Board

Bishop Saulius Bužauskas

Member of the Board

Vygantas Malinauskas

Member of the Board

Baznycios kronika web

Gediminas Žukas

Member of the Board

Tadas Šarapovas

Member of the Board

Justinas Jarusevičius

Member of the Board


Diana Adomaitienė

Director of the Foundation

